#PromptHouse Challenge “Space Pirates: A new Era”

After testing out AI art for the upcoming blog posts, i found a github repository by GitHub – hlky/stable-diffusion and modified it using GitHub – basunjindal/stable-diffusion and my own code to make it run on my Asus Vivobook utilizing it’s 4GB Nvidia RTX 3050M.

Finally being able to run stable diffusion on my own hardware I stumbled upon a challenge by PromptHouse.xyz about creating AI art with the topic of “Space Pirates: A New Era”.
The Topic caught me right away, and because I already tested so many prompts for my own ideas I felt ready to take part in this challenge immediately.

First things came to my mind: the capturing of a space shuttle somewhere in the outer space by a crew of space pirates. A sceneric setting usually would have some epic background with some kind of dramatic ligting, so we keep that in mind for later aswell.

Thinking more about the prompt, its story and possible modifiers I came to the conclusion that the following phrases are a good starting point for this topic:

  • space pirate crew entering a transport shuttle

I also added some modifieres I liked and which gave me nice results while testing stable diffusion limits in general:

  • studio ghibli, ross draws, greg manchess, busy characters, fine details, full-frame, complex picture, intricate, scenery
First set of generated pictures.

Thats a good start to set the overall mood of the topic, so lets test another prompt with more modifieres:

  • a new era of space pirates
  • the crew waiting outside to enter a transport shuttle
  • having a blue sun in dark blue space as background

including the following modifieres:

  • studio ghibli, ross draws, greg manchess, busy characters, fine details, full-frame, complex picture, intricate, epic scenery, trending on artstation, vouge, Disney, Star Wars, smooth, sharp illustration, hyperrealisitc, qled, vray, vivid

As they have been generated using only 50 ddim_steps, the pictures lack some detail, but the overall composition looks nice to me.
Lets regenerate the promising ones using more steps and therefore more compute time.
We also want to use RealESRGAN to properly upscale them and GFPGAN to increase quality of given faces.

Changing the prompt and rendering a new set of images.

After testing these prompts, i was very concerned about the story of the prompt, whereas a crew of scouts should discover that the planet they are landing on is alread inhabited by space pirates.
In the images shown above, this part of the story isn’t represented accordingly. Therefore i’ve went ahead and changed the prompt once again to better reflect the story of the topic:

  • scouts landing on ocean planet discovering a space station at the coast
  • a new era of space pirates
  • having a blue sun in dark blue space as background

with the following modifiers:

  • studio ghibli, ross draws, greg manchess, busy characters, fine details, full-frame, complex picture, intricate, epic scenery, trending on artstation, vouge, Disney, smooth, sharp, , illustration, hyperrealisitc, qled, vray, vivid, cinematic lighting, studio quality, smooth render, 8k, octane render, smooth render, frostbite 3 engine, unreal enginge 5
Newly generated images in a grid.

I love those results, some of them look very promising, so lets have a closer look at these:

I would say these pictures are a very promising result. But i still wanted some little extra, therefore i tested even more prompts and fed them to the img2img procedure of stable diffusion. Eventually with a lot of testing i got my final picture for the competition. the final prompt will be a secret for now ๐Ÿ˜‰

Final render for competition.

Using apps like Motionleap, we can take this a step further and create new worlds, that seem to be alive!

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