#PromptHouse Challenge “Moments in Time”

Great News! Prompthouse.xyz will host even more challenges! The current topic is about “The Moments in Time”. It’s about the memories of your past, you wish you could relive or reexperience them. May it be the summer days of your childhood, personal milestones or big events in each of our life’s. The boundaries for this challenge aren’t that tight like for the first one. The goal is to create a scenery, character art, first person view or any other imageable scene without focusing on a specific style or setting.

For this challenge the process can be separated into the following iterations:

First Iteration

I followed kind of the same path as i did on the first challenge, so i brainstormed about possible prompts. The first good prompt was about a woman, who was just remembering her most valuable moments of life. she would think about the moments of the past, what could have been (but didn’t’) and what memories she will acquire in the future. So, i started with the following prompt and modifiers:

  • a women’s remembering lost moments of life
  • studio ghibli, 8k, cinematic lighting, studio quality, full-frame, digital airbrush, sharp, high detail, elegant, qled, vivid, hyperrealistic, intricate, portrait

Again, we received some pretty promising results, but they are definitely missing the little extra. Therefore after generating about 30 images, we will think about refining and enhancing the prompt.

Second Iteration

So to further enhance the prompt we will need to change the initial one and add some new modifiers. After a lot of thinking, i came up with the following:

  • a beautiful women surrounded by her memories and lost moments in life
  • magical illustration, perfect expression, subconscious, purified, P.A.Works, 8k, cinematic lighting, studio quality, full-frame, digital airbrush, sharp, high detail, elegant, qled, vivid, hyperrealistic, intricate, hypermaximalist, art by artgerm and greg rutkowski and alphonse mucha
First set of generated images.

Here you can see three of the images i liked the most. The woman on the images looks thoughtfully and dreamy, like their thoughts drifted away because of the good old memories.

So, i picked the two most promising and mysterious looking images and optimized their parameters to achieve the following results.

Third Iteration

Still not satisfied i came up with a completely different approach. I changed the prompt and chose a new “story” to tell. I pictured a granddad, telling his grandson stories about his childhood and the quality time he had with his family. Here you can see the first prompt and some example images:

  • the memories of the one day in your childhood you can’t forget and will tell your grandchildren
  • P.A.Works, 8k, cinematic lighting, studio quality, full-frame, digital airbrush, sharp, high detail, elegant, qled, vivid, hyperrealistic, intricate, hypermaximalist, art by artgerm and greg rutkowski and alphonse mucha

The prompt was too unspecific, that’s why we received totally different results. So, this means we need to be more specific. During brainstorm i changed the story to a father telling a story to his daughter:

  • a father teaching his daughter how to walk in front of the living room window
  • P.A.Works, 8k, cinematic lighting, studio quality, full-frame, digital airbrush, sharp, high detail, elegant, qled, vivid, hyperrealistic, intricate, hypermaximalist, art by artgerm and greg rutkowski and alphonse mucha, insane details

I like the color and lighting, but the details are too vague and even a lot of parameter tuning did not help to bring out these details.

Fourth Iteration

For the last Iteration i thought about a boy from the countryside, who’s discovering the big capital city for the first time. He is so proud and courageous and can’t wait for all the adventures he can experience in these streets.

  • discovering the big city as a child for the first time
  • adventurous exploration, cinematic lighting, studio quality, sharp, high detail, elegant, qled, vivid

Amazing, these are the kind of pictures, that will grab your attention. The lightning is very nice, as well as the city skyline in the background. You can feel the adventurous mood of the young boy!

In total it took around 500 images, that have been generated and a lot of them have been re-rendered with optimized parameters and upscaling, and about +/- 20 hours of work (fine tune parameter, thinking about the story and developing the prompts, reviewing all images and picking the most promising seeds, etc).

As you can see, this process is still very work intensive. Generating an image is quite easy and doesn’t take a long time. The complexity increases if you want to have images showing more than just the prompt – transmitting emotions and be appealing to the viewer’s eye. Stay tuned for more AI-art and Game-Dev content, and don’t forget to follow GamersRealmDE on the social plattforms.

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